Lab 1

Lab 1

  1. Find a seat and introduce yourself to the people sitting on both sides of you.
  2. Complete as much as you can of CodeLab chapters 2-4. Feel free to ask for help from your neighbors as well as the TA and tutors. It will often save you time and be good practice to type your answers into DrJava, then use copy and paste to transfer the code to CodeLab. Even if what you type into DrJava is only a fragment and cannot be compiled in DrJava, although adding the other provided code to your DrJava version will give you and even better understanding of the concepts being tested.
  3. At the very least you should complete CodeLab Chapter 2 exercises which are due before 11:59pm on Friday.
  4. You will need to finish up the CodeLab Chapter 3 and 4 exercises before 11:59pm on the following Friday. Both chapter 3 and 4 are due on that same day.
  5. If you finish with the CodeLab chapters (2-4) you can begin on program 1. You aren't expected to begin work on that until next week so take your time with CodeLab. Make sure you really understand all of the answers, not just get them correct.
  6. If you would like to request a specific partner from your assigned lab section, for program 1 (beginning next week) now would be a good time to do that. You make the request at The user name is your full ucsc email address (e.g. Your initial password is your student ID number.
  7. This is also a good time to get help with your DrJava setup if necessary.